Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlicia Silverstone Talks Style Ethics With “Vogue”

Posing in an eco-friendly dress next to cows at Animal Acres Sanctuary in Acton, California, vegan Alicia Silverstone couldn’t be more in her element for Vogue magazine’s “Style Ethics With Alicia Silverstone” feature.

The glowing, pregnant actress discussed her preferences for environmentally conscious clothing. Practicing what she preaches, Silverstone is wearing a dress by designer Gregory Parkinson that features recycled silk, hand-dyed with water soluble coloring.

“I have some guidelines when it comes to clothes, or anything really,” Silverstone  said. “First, I try to find it used so I’m not creating more waste. If I can’t find it used, I’ll make sure it’s made with an eco material. If I can’t find it in either of those categories, I’ll buy something regular. But I rarely have to do that.”

Silverstone has also been associated with fashion by eco-friendly designers like Matt & Nat and EcoSkin.

Other than buying used clothing to create less waste, buying eco-friendly materials may be the best way to lighten your impact, as these items are often made while taking  into account both human health and earth health.

Cotton, for example, uses a lot of insecticides in its production, many of which are suspected or known human carcinogens.  Buying organic cotton supports companies that choose not to buy from distributors that expose workers to these ingredients. Bamboo and soy are other earth-friendly options.

View what Green Eco Services says are the top 20 friendly eco-fabrics.

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