Quantcast Vegetarian StarKris Carr On “Experience L!FE” Cover


Kris Carr is on the cover of Experience L!FE‘s April 2011 issue.

The vegan actress, author and cancer survivor coined a phrase “Sexy, Crazy [insert word]” that’s become as famous as her. Her most recent book, Crazy, Sexy Diet, has enjoyed a spot on both Amazon’s and the New York Time’s Best Sellers lists. She’s also the author of Crazy, Sexy Cancer Survivor, Crazy, Sexy Cancer Tips and founded the website, Crazysexylife.com.

Carr interview with Experience L!FE discusses her surprise diagnosis with a rare form of cancer, the treatment path she chose and how her switch to a vegan diet has fueled her well-being even after cancer recovery.

When taking a look at their own health, Carr wants others to realize how important it is to find sources of stress that may prevent healing, both physical and psychological.

“You have to be brutally honest. You have to be willing to take an internal inventory and say, ‘Am I a sugar burner? Am I stress drinking? Am I eating too much because I’m not getting love in my life? Am I addicted to obsessively checking my email because I don’t want to look at the fact that I’ve got stuff to clean up with my dad? You’ve got to come clean and have those hard talks, because that’s where your power is. The power is in facing the brutal truth, because then you can change it.”

More on Carr at Experiencelifemag.com.

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