Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Brand Chooses Gardening Over Sex

Russell Brand Chooses Gardening Over Sex

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 28th, 2011 in Actors, Food & Drink, Gardening.


Russell Brand has said in the past his goal is to be a celibate vegan.

His recent marriage to Katy Perry may make that goal a little harder to attain. So he’s revamped his development plan from “no sex” to “less sex, more gardening.”

Hey, that could be the national gardening associations’ new slogan.

“I can’t believe I used to have sex 20 times a week, especially now I’m married,” Brand said. “But now I’m a bloody good gardener.”

Guess Brand has discovered there is more than one good use for a ho(e)….whoa, okay, back to the gardening discussion.

If you’re starting a garden for the first time, congratulations. You’ll get the reward of learning how food is created, knowing where your food comes from and may even save costs in the long run by not spending as much on produce at the grocery store.

The Salisbury Post has written an article containing tips for gardening beginners and explaining common mistakes made.

For example, it’s important to test for fertility. No, not the kind of fertility test to determine why numerous romps in the garden haven’t led to offspring, but an examination of the soil to ensure it’s healthy. There are kits available for purchase that explain what conditions to test under and where to send the samples for accurate results.

Don’t forget the importance of light. Darkness may be sexy in the bedroom, but vegetables need 8 hours of sun each day for optimum growth.

More tips.

Photo: PR Photos

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