Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllen DeGeneres Vegan Episode With Kathy Freston, Tal Ronnen (Video)

Ellen DeGeneres recently featured authors Kathy Freston and Tal Ronnen on her show for a vegan segment.

Freston helps one family make the gradual transition of adding more vegan meals into its diet to combat some health problems like high cholesterol.

This is a family that professes to eat meat every day and they’re completely open to the idea with one caveat: dad hopes his beer doesn’t get taken away.

Not to worry, if dad becomes a stringent vegan, he can always check Barnivore.com for all the veg-friendly beer that’s not filtered with animal ingredients like isinglass–a product sourced from fish bladders.

After Freston arrives at the family’s home to give a lesson in meat and cheese substitutes, Ronnen makes an appearance to teach everyone how to make tacos with faux meat.

What’s the family’s response to its first vegan meal? Watch to find out !

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One Response to “Ellen DeGeneres Vegan Episode With Kathy Freston, Tal Ronnen (Video)”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Awww 🙂