Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jane Velez-Mitchell On Meat Addiction

Addict Nation Jane Velez-Mitchell

“You don’t need to torture a bunch of helpless rats to figure out fast food is addictive. Nevertheless, for those who feel the need to read research to verify the obvious, studies have now been done that show fast food, loaded with fat, salt and sugar, causes rats to behave as if they were hooked on heroin. As opposed to those fed the salad bar option who consume normally, rats fed a fast food diet will endure electric shocks, etc. to keep eating what they crave. When deprived of their fast food, they’d rather starve for days on end than eat the healthier options.”

“Again, cruel animal experimentation is not necessary to reach these conclusions. Look around you. America’s obesity epidemic is exploding and fast food is the obvious reason. The rise of fast food outlets almost perfectly parallels the rise in obesity. There is also growing evidence that one can develop an addiction to meat. America is about 5 percent of the world’s population but we eat about 25 percent of the world’s meat. We can all “just say no” to fast food and junk food. You have to negotiate with food daily but you can say: I will never go into a fast food outlet or a fast food drive-thru again. Period. If all Americans made that one decision, obesity would begin to plummet almost immediately.”

Jane Velez-Mitchell, in an interview with Vegan Outreach, discussing her new book, Addict Nation. Now would also be a good time to mention that one doctor claims meat also contains a stimulant that’s similar to caffeine or theobromine in cocoa.

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