Quantcast Vegetarian StarWillis McGahee PETA Ad Shows Off Tattoos And A Lot More (Video)

Willis McGahee Chooses Ink, Not Mink

Men, if you want your girlfriends and wives to get into watching sports with you, just petition the NFL, NBA and other professional sports organizations to ban clothing during game time.

NFL running back Willis McGahee stars in this anti-fur ad for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. He joins a long list of celebrities showing off their tattoos for the animal rights group’s ads that advocate ink over mink and other types of fur.

“I don’t think they understand where it comes from or how they treat the animal to get the fur,” McGahee says in a behind the scenes interview with PETA, referring to the discussion that sparks when he sees other celebrities wearing fur and some of the methods in which fur is obtained, such as electrocution or skinning them alive.

Watch the entire interview below.

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