Quantcast Vegetarian StarNigel Barker, Cat Cora Use “Chefs For Seals” To Encourage Canadian Seafood Boycott (Video)

Nigel Barker

In 2008, photographer Nigel Barker took his camera north to document the Canadian Seal Hunt. A spokesperson for both the Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society International’s Protect Seals campaign and the face behind Chefs for Seals, a group of chefs and restaurants dedicated to ending the hunt, Barker co-hosted an event in Los Angeles recently with celebrity chef Cat Cora.

Because of Canada’s annual seal hunt, Chefs for Seals is calling for a boycott of the Canadian seafood industry.

Although U.S. restaurants aren’t offering platters of seal fillets, the country is responsible for about two-thirds of the Canadian seafood industry, making a boycott a strong way to send a message and impact Canada’s economy.

More than 650,000 chefs and other individuals have already pledged to boycott Canadian seafood. And 5,500 restaurants and grocery stores are refusing to serve or sell these products.

According to change.org., Red Lobster, a chain of seafood restaurants in the U.S., Canada and Japan, has not taken the pledge to do so and is one of the largest purchasers of Canadian seafood.

Photo: Ed Kavishe/Creative Commons

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