Quantcast Vegetarian StarAdam Levine Gets A Hand In Prostate Cancer Awareness For UK Cosmo

Look, it’s a naked man. No, it’s a PETA ad. No, it’s a prostate and testicular cancer prevention ad.

Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine is posing in UK Cosmo nude in order to bring attention to prostate and testicular cancer and remind men to check for signs and symptoms. The photo shoot, on behalf of the organization Everyman, UK’s prostate and testicular cancer campaign, isn’t something unnatural for Levine, as he claims he’s always naked.

“I often have to be told by the people around me that it’s inappropriate to be as naked as I am,” Levine revealed. “But I live in California, where it’s always warm, so why not.”

Levine’s current girlfriend, Victoria Secret model Anne Vyalitsyna, was hired for the hand job (had to get that pun in there) to cover up his essentials.

Cancerproject.org cites several studies that suggest being vegetarian or vegan reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Those who are raised vegetarian have the lowest risk and countries that consume more rice, soybean products and green and yellow vegetables have fewer prostate cancer deaths.

Levine does practice what he preaches. Fellow band member Mickey Madden, who is vegan, said Levine eats about “85% vegan” for health reasons.

Learn how to give yourself a hand and check for prostate and testicular cancer at Everyman.

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