Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Maher Asks Obama To Send Pardoned Turkeys To Sanctuary

Bill Maher

Farm Sanctuary has already extended an offer to President Obama to send this year’s pardoned turkey to its grounds instead of the usual destination for the birds, a Disney theme park.

Now, Bill Maher has written a letter on behalf of PETA, asking the president to consider the birds who, in Maher’s words, have a retirement “as empty as Cher‘s “Farewell” tour” if not sent to a place where trained individuals can properly care for the already neglected animals.

“In recent years, turkeys have simply been shuffled from the pardoning ceremony to displays at pseudo-sanctuaries or theme parks, and many have died less than a year later, before the following year’s turkeys have even made it to the Rose Garden. McDonald’s so-called “Happy Meals” have a longer shelf life.”

“I propose a New Rule: From now on, let’s bring credibility to the ceremony and genuine compassion to “pardoned” turkeys by sending them to a real sanctuary.”

“After all, turkeys have it hard enough. The overwhelming majority of them are bred and drugged to grow faster than the income gap. They suffer broken legs, heart attacks, and other health problems that can multiply as they exceed the short life spans that the breeders intend. PETA has already lined up a reputable sanctuary that can offer this year’s pardoned turkeys a clean and comfortable retirement that includes veterinary care and socialization.”

Bill’s entire letter can be read at peta.org.

Photo: PR Photos

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