Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Pollan On Egg Recall To Dr. Sanjay Gupta On CNN (Video)

Michael Pollan spoke with Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN recently about the recent recall of 550 billion eggs nationwide due to salmonella concerns.

Pollan thinks a single authority over food safety issues like the one president Obama recommended last year would help curtail these issues.

“Our food industry has fought to keep power divided and power divided is never strong,” Pollan said.

The author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma tries to prevent eating contaminated eggs by restricting himself to the farmers market where eggs come from producers where hens aren’t kept in conditions that could lead to the spreading of disease, like crowded cages and hen houses. These conditions, Pollan insists, didn’t exist 30 or  40 years ago and neither did the issues of salmonella.

Sounds like a better idea, unless you have a small egg farmer for a neighbor.

There’s also the idea of tossing the egg idea out completely and giving something like tofu scramble a try.

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One Response to “Michael Pollan On Egg Recall To Dr. Sanjay Gupta On CNN (Video)”

  1. Janice Says:

    Maybe with all the rampant salmonella it’s time to reconsider the 5-second rule for dropped food:
    The Egg Recall: Rethinking the 5-Second Rule