Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Aims For Kristy Lee Cook For “Goin’ Country” Hunting Show

Kristy Lee Cook

Kristy Lee Cook has already drawn the ire of PETA after news that she’s starring in a new hunting show called Goin’ Country. The former American Idol finalist fired back–this time with words and not a rifle.

“Instead of angering thousands of would-be fans by killing helpless animals on camera in attempt to get her ’15 Minutes of Shame,’ Kristy Lee Cook’s fame crusade would be better served by following in the footsteps of fellow Idol alum-turned-country-stars Carrie Underwood and Kellie Pickler—as well as Simon Cowell—all of whom have used their fame and talent to speak up for animals,” said a spokesperson from PETA.

Cook isn’t taking the criticism sitting down and has responded by claiming hunters do more for conservation than any other group.

“Given that hunters have done more for American wildlife conservation than any other group in history, I make no apology for being one,” Cook told Fox. “Indeed, I join the ranks of millions of American hunters who celebrate our outdoor heritage and who conserve millions of acres of wild lands. These same people support more than 600,000 jobs across the country and provide a critical voice to encourage more investment in American conservation.”

Cook emphasized that her sister was hesitate to kill animals but after exposing her to the life, her views changed and that hunting is about “being with friends and family and having a good time.”

Provided Dick Cheney isn’t one of your friends and family, that is. Personally, we’d rather hunt seitan birds and tofu bucks.

Photo: PR Photos

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3 Responses to “PETA Aims For Kristy Lee Cook For “Goin’ Country” Hunting Show”

  1. Katherine Says:

    While I totally don’t agree with hunting for sport, I think that it is way more natural than getting your dinner from a drive thru.
    These are wild animals who are able to live their lives fully.

    We should focus less on this one woman’s (slightly noble) actions and more on the animals that are suffering in factory farms.

    We also have to remember that there are several parts of the country where options are scarce, winters don’t allow for much vegetation and the general economy is very low. There should be more intiative to educate people about plant based nutrition and to help them by making things like faux meats more accessible and affordable.

    By attacking this girl for actions that are the norm where she is from, we are allienating people who may have been more open minded about cruelty free lifestyles.

    That’s my two cents lol

  2. HTwoWhoa Says:

    Didn’t you have a story last week about this lady? She’ll come around in her own time– or not. It’s not like she’s on a mission of extermination.

  3. Jenn Says:

    I grew up in a hunting, fishing and scavengering family and am proud to say elk steak is my very favorite with fillet mignon coming in 2nd. An elk burger beats beef by leaps and bounds, in both taste and health! Animals were meant for humans to eat or God wouldn’t have given us canine teeth. I think taking an animal from the wild, where it has been able to lead a completely natural life in the food chain, is far more humane than cramped feed lots, hormones and the almighty buck (dollar) being most important, etc. The rule at my house is: you bring the wild game or fish and I do the rest. I’ll make you a down home country meal guaranteed to satisfy. If there’s more than we can eat in one sitting, I’ll teach you how to can or preserve it for future enjoyment and sustenance. We weren’t all born rich and able to afford free range, hormone free, organic, etc. from the grocery store. We learned how to find it ourselves in nature: it’s an integral part of our souls and heritage. So Kristy Lee, come on over anytime with your gifts from nature and we’ll enjoy God’s bounty together. Come wild blackberry or huckleberry picking with me and I’ll teach you how to make yummy, healthy jam and whole wheat rolls (if you don’t already know how) to go with your delicious, healthy wild game. God gave us so many awesome gifts in nature to use and enjoy. So to all the yuppies and silver spoon fed people out there who think we’re abusing nature, please don’t judge those of us who grew up living a different lifestyle than you. We might be slightly redneck or hick, in your opinion, but it is our heritage and family tradition, which often goes back generations. We don’t rape and pillage nature, like corporate America often does. We love, respect and enjoy what God has so richly provided!

    100% Oregonian Hick
    On the banks of the gorgeous Rogue River
    Grants Pass