Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Bird Rescue Tweet Prompts Cleaning Questions (Video)

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Pamela Anderson recently Tweeted about the International Bird Rescue’s efforts in the recent Gulf Coast oil spill from the exploded Deepwater Horizon Rig.

“Please support International Bird Rescue’s ongoing rescue work by donating, becoming a member or adopting a bird.”

During the Big Bluff online Trivia game launch the actress told Poptarts, “It’s terrible, it’s awful. It feels like it is the end of the world to me. I’m working with international bird rescue, they’re expecting (it to get a lot worse) which is unbelievable. It’s the worst thing that could happen, and we won’t know what the effects are until later.”

If you’ve ever wondered how wonderful people like the IBRRC work to rescue birds during oil disasters, you’re not alone. Such questions like “How long does it take to wash a bird?” and “What is the survival rate for birds that are collected for rehabilitation?” may be the first that come to mind.

These answers were located on the IBRRC website, along with a video demonstrating the process of soaping down a bird.

The average wash and rinse process takes about 45 minutes, and the detergent of choice is usually Dawn. Based on research by the IBRRC, Dawn removes the most oil, is most effective at low concentrations and is non irritating to the skins and eyes.

Unfortunately, this is a Proctor and Gamble product, a company that still tests on animals (and quite possibly discovered these non irritating effects through this research), but P & G is kind enough to donate all products.

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