Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Jennie Garth Says Organic Gives Us Fighting Chance

Stepup Women's Network 7th Annual Inspiration Awards 2010

“I was able to go out and interview farmers and learn so much, and I brought home a lot of the ideas. It changed things in my own home. We did a lot of talking about organic and why to buy local and how to go to a farmers’ market. There’s so much cancer in the US now and there’s got to be a reason. Let’s give ourselves a fighting chance by eating organic and eating fresh vegetables. That’s heading in the right direction.”

Jennie Garth, on her campaign with Hidden Valley Ranch that’s designed to teach parents to convince their children to eat more vegetables. As a mother, Garth is probably also interested in the recent study between inorganic produce and ADHD in children, yet another reason to eat and buy organic!

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