Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelis Ready For Round Two Fur Fight With PETA

Kelis Ready For Round Two Fur Fight With PETA

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 7th, 2010 in Female Singers, Fur.

Kelis Performs At Santos Party House

Kelis fired up the fur activists months ago when she replied to PETA’s criticism for wearing a fur hat.

Now she’s back and looking for more publicity she doesn’t deserve.

According to Contact Music, in an interview with NME, when asked if she was “trying to wind them up,” in her original response to them, the singer replied, “Well yeah! I mean, firstly, it’s just far too easy to p**s them off. I mean, give me a break. Get your panties out of a bunch, just relax. I mean seriously? I believe in live and let live, but I feel there are far more important issues with natural disasters and poverty and plague. I’m sorry if a mink is last on my list.”

According to Mercy For Animals, about 26 million mink are killed each year for their fur.

Mink fur farms keep the animals in cages so small, the resulting stress causes neurotic behavior, such as pacing back and forth and they often develop stomach ulcers and enlarged adrenal glands–another consequence of stress.

Kelis doesn’t care about this?

Ah, why are we still even talking about her?

Everybody knows it’s Pamela Anderson‘s vegan milkshake that brings all the boys the yard.

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