Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Goodall–Going Green Starts With The Individual

The 2009 Women's Conference - Day 2 - Long Beach, California

If everyone did their job, there’d be no need for managers, right?

Vegetarian, conservationist and chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall thinks getting the world to live greener starts with yourself, whether you’re preaching to friends and family or not.

In an interview with the Harvard Crimson, Goodall emphasizes that some people will respond to arguments, but most importantly, they’ll all be watching how you live.

“You really have to start with yourself and then whether or not you reach out to others really depends on whether or not you’re the right person to do it,” Goodall said. “Some people are really good at arguing, and that doesn’t really change peoples opinions. But if you can get into their hearts, that’s what’s so important. Make people think about this question: if we’re the most intellectual animals that have ever walked on this planet, which we are, why are we destroying our only home? I think we’ve lost wisdom, the kind of wisdom where people say, “How will this decision affect people generations ahead?” Now we make decisions based on, “How will it help me now or in next year’s shareholders meeting or next year’s political campaign?””

One way Goodall helps others make a personal difference is through her Roots and Shoots campaign, an international environmental and humanitarian program for youth, with projects focused on improving the lives of people, animals and the environment.

Adolescents participate in activities like cleaning up parks, planting in gardens and volunteering at animal shelters.

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