Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge W. Bush Presidential Library Protested By Feral Cats [VIDEO]

Jimmy Kimmel featured a funny video featuring cats recording a “We Are The World” like song about the plight of their eviction.

Definitely worth the watch for some good afternoon humor.

The planned George W. Bush presidential library on the Southern Methodist University campus is also home to feral cats that will soon face eviction.

According to the LA Times, a feral cat program was started by the university in 2005 in an effort to control the population, which has dwindled dramatically since its inception.

It’s expected that the remaining cats will be relocated to a nearby woods area.

One effective way at reducing feral cat numbers and improving their lives (and the accompanying problems such as loud noise from fighting behaviors, flea infestations and odor from males marking territory), is the use of Trap-Neuter-Return programs.

TNR cats are spayed/neutered, vaccinated from rabies and surgically ear-tipped, which is the universal sign a cat has gone through the TNR system.

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