Quantcast Vegetarian StarEllie Krieger On Affordable Produce And Kids Eating Vegetables

5th Annual Moves Power Women Awards

Like Vegetarian Star suggested when Jamie Oliver‘s kids couldn’t recognize a tomato, Ellie Krieger recommends emphasizes adding colors to the plate to get kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.

While promoting produce with Michelle Obama at the White House, “I got kids to try every color of the rainbow. I like making it about color instead of telling children to eat vegetables,” she told Express Night Out.

The Food Network Healthy Appetite with Ellie Krieger chef and registered dietitian testified at Congress recently about hunger and obesity and the $1 organic apple dilemma.

“I bought an organic apple the other day and it was almost $1. If I were really hungry, I might be buying that $1 meal instead,” Krieger said.

Like the $1 value meal and Fast Food Giant X consisting of a factory farmed produced meat patty?

Krieger, who says she’d be happy if “everyone cooked with whole grains, and lots of fruits and vegetables,” demonstrates her vegetable marketing techniques on her own 7 year old daughter and they frequently make  trips to the farmers market.

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