Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Top Chef” Season 6 Finale Featured Vegetarian Dishes (Video)

It’s been a great season for herbivores on Top Chef.

Zooey Deschanel made a guest appearance that challenged the judges to not only cook meat free, but also without gluten and soy.

Then came along Natalie Portman, who dropped the V word on the cheftestants and ended up with a mouthful of shallots and garlic.

Last night’s episode featured the chefs making two dishes-one vegetarian and one featuring a local protein (which could have also been vegetarian…hmpf!) for a party of 150 people.

In the end, Jen put way more salt on her veggie dish than the judges preferred and she was sent packing while the brothers Voltaggio and Gillespie remain standing.

Watch the clip above to hear Jen’s thoughts on her exit.

via wsj.com

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