Quantcast Vegetarian StarBill Maher IHOP Cage Free Egg Plea–Humane Society PSA (Video)

Bill Maher has collaborated with the Humane Society of the United States to record a PSA informing consumers that International House of Pancakes, IHOP,  continues to get eggs from suppliers that confine hens in battery cages.

It’s so cruel that Bill has nicknamed IHOP “International House of Pain.”

“You may come hungry to IHOP, but you shouldn’t leave happy,” Bill says.

“Not as long as they only use eggs from hens crammed into tiny cages, where they can barely move an inch.”

Maher points out that other restaurants like Denny’s and Burger King are using some cage free eggs, but IHOP has failed to make progress.

Sounds like IHOP needs to HOP on the progressive bandwagon and phase out this cruel method of obtaining eggs.

Watch the clip for more.

via vegnews.com

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