Quantcast Vegetarian StarShannon Elizabeth Enjoys Candle 79 Restaurant

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Shannon Elizabeth made her very first trip to Candle 79 recently and decided let her Twitter followers know where she was headed.

“Heading to lunch w/a friend to a vegan place I’ve been wanting to try-will let you know how it is! Then rehearsals….”

Luckily, Shannon wasn’t too full and overwhelmed not to Tweet about the experience.

“Lunch was awesome! Went to Candle 79 on the Upper East side-amazing food-met the owners-they’re very sweet!”

Candle 79 is an upscale vegetarian restaurant in New York City that serves as the sister restaurant of the more casual Candle Cafe.

The restaurant that’s been featured in prestigious publications such as Time, Vegetarian Times, Forbes and VegNews was established in 2003 as the demand for good vegetarian food grew.

Now that we know the famous American Pie web cam dancer might be frequenting it more often, we’ll definetely bookmark the menu and try to make it to Manhattan’s Upper East Side soon.

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