Quantcast Vegetarian StarWoody Harrelson Jimmy Kimmel “Zombieland” Faux Twinkie (Video)

We told you how Woody Harrelson ate loads of faux Twinkies that were vegan while playing his Twinkie addicted character, Tallahassee on Zombieland.

Recently Woody appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! where he discussed how delicious the faux Twinkies were.

“I’m telling you I think it might spawn a real healthy Twinkie revolution,” Woody said.

Watch the clip to hear what Jimmy Kimmel‘s thoughts were about the faux Twinkies and catch Woody’s co-star Jesse Einsenberg in the audience.

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One Response to “Woody Harrelson Jimmy Kimmel “Zombieland” Faux Twinkie (Video)”

  1. Kendra Says:

    I’d love to have a faux Twinkie and I’m sure there’s someone or a bakery somewhere that has the equivalent of a vegan cake filled with vegan cream and aren’t officially calling it a “Twinkie.”