Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorge W. Bush Affirms Vegan Religion: Let Us All Worship Seitan

George W. Bush Gives His First Post-Presidency Speech

George W. Bush recently gave a speech at Lubbock Christian University, where he confirmed what every vegan loves to hear: They are free to worship seitan.

Bush said Americans should be able to worship any religion they like and began naming a few before he said “vegan,” getting a roar of laughter from the audience.

“No one should say I’m more American than you by their faith,” Bush added. “I don’t know how to be president without faith,” he continued and then discussed how he was touched by people who often told him they were praying for him.

Bush’s niece, Lauren Bush, is a member of the vegetarian congregation.

Who knew George W. had such a great sense of humor?

via lubbockonline.com

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4 Responses to “George W. Bush Affirms Vegan Religion: Let Us All Worship Seitan”

  1. Nick Says:

    For once, Bush and I agree.

    Yay! Let’s all go worship seitan!!!

  2. Allie Says:

    LMAO! Bush does have some sense-a sense of humor!

  3. Rick Says:

    I worship seitan regularly, preferring to make my own versus buying prepackaged.

    Best blessings are when you anoint it will Veganaise or make some sort of sausage out of it. 🙂

  4. robyn Says:

    Vegans are the kindest, bravest people on the planet, they smell better, look better, taste better, (kissing), and if you are one or you got one you are lucky. Blessings to all Vegans xoxoxxoxoo