Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Booby Scare” Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Video)

Vegan Emily Deschanel, along with Alyson Hannigan, Kat McPhee, Minka Kelly, and Jaime King star in this breast cancer awareness video in celebration of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This is how celebrities have girls night in parties, so watch and take notes.

Full frontal shots of girl on girl boob grabbing and cleavage showing right before the paparazzi gets caught filming them.

Plus some great info on false alarms and what might not be breast cancer…like a rhinestone bra.

Incidentally, a vegetarian diet might give you more reason to grab your potentially lifelong cancer-free boobies.

Vegetarians have lower death rates from cancer, breast cancer rates are lower in countries where diets are plant-based, and when people from those countries adopt Western meat based diets, their breast cancer rates soar.

via Ecorazzi.com

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One Response to ““The Booby Scare” Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Video)”

  1. Veggie XXX Says:


    Love how you start off talking like a tabloid-“full girl on girl boob grabbing” and then get serious about breast cancer rates and diet.

    The contrast made watching this even funnier.