Quantcast Vegetarian StarSinger Pink On Michael Vick: Tear Him To Pieces Like His Dogs

Pink Plays Perth

Things just got real ugly in Philadelphia, as the city of brotherly love that Michael Vick recently signed to play football with just happens to be the hometown of singer and animal activist Pink.

Yes, THE Pink. Same gal who suggested Kanye West be skinned and made into a fur coat for his fur loving tendencies.

Her latest kind thoughts about Vick from Twitter:

“wow. michael vick in MY hometown, Philly. of all the places. I hope the fans tear him to pieces like his beloved dogs”

There are already several protests planned in Philly.

via TMZ.com

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4 Responses to “Singer Pink On Michael Vick: Tear Him To Pieces Like His Dogs”

  1. Jeanette Says:

    Don’t mean to sound like a pessimist or violent, but…

    I imagine there will be increased security at home games in Philadelphia or maybe even anywhere the Eagles play.

    With this amount of negative publicity, he might even get dropped shortly into the season.

    I really don’t think the managers knew what they were getting into when the enlisted him.

    He is hated by many and not just animal rights activists.

  2. Neesan Says:

    Thank you PINK .. You speak for all us animal lovers .

  3. America Says:

    What is sick is the amount of people the KKK murdered, serial killers roaming the streets in America, school shootings, abused children, homeless people living on the street watching dogs passing with their owners going to a nice warm homes, war, hunger in this century and people not willing to forgive another who has done their time. Now that is sick. Pink you got to think.

  4. the smart one Says:

    well America if you really think about it MANKIND is what has made our world the way that it is didn’t you ever think about that why should we be worried about man kind when man kind has demolished and ruined so many other species! Michael Vick is Sick he has a Sickness just because dogs don’t speak our language you think they are lesser than us well I don’t and never will so keep caring about the people that are ruining our world cause people ruin everything they touch think of all the species who lived in harmony years before we were around and more n more every year we ruin our earth that we thrive off of people open your eyes! Animals are far more important to keep the earth going people just ruin it!