Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Vaguely Vegan” Anne Hathaway Enjoyed Post Oscar Hamburgers

Anne Hathaway at the New York premiere of Valentino: The Last Emperor , held at MOMA

Boo, boo, and triple boo!

We have recently learned that Anne Hathaway, the actress who told David Letterman she was “vaguely vegan,” seems to think being almost vegan means enjoying a hamburger here and there.

During a premier of Valentino: The Last Emperor, Anne explained that her clothing wasn’t fitting as well as usual, due to her burger splurge.

“I’ve been enjoying a couple of post-Oscar burgers. So I didn’t fit into a lot of the vintage stuff. I wanted to wear something that was a little bit more forgiving.”

While we’re hoping that Anne meant she was stuffing her face with veggie burgers, that’s probably not the case.

And just when we thought Anne had broken up with meat for good.


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2 Responses to ““Vaguely Vegan” Anne Hathaway Enjoyed Post Oscar Hamburgers”

  1. The Green Quote: “Vaguely Vegan” Anne Hathaway Enjoys Some Beefy Burgers // Archives // ecorazzi.com :: the latest in green gossip Says:

    […] via: vegetarianstar.com No Comments […]

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    […] know some of them have a tendency to flip flop between being veggie and eating meat, cough, cough, Anne Hathaway. So if you were in the business of predicting which celebrities would go veg/go meat/go veg, would […]