Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde’s Time To Go Is When It’s Time To Eat Meat

The Pretenders Perform In Madrid

Chrissie Hynde never spares words when voicing her opinions, even at the risk of offending and hurting others. She’s keeping up her reputation with a recent interview with Scotland and Sunday.

The Pretenders’ frontwoman insists she would rather give her own life than eat an animal’s because of the guilt she would carry if she ate one.

“I’m always surprised when I meet meat eaters,” Chrissie said. “I just think why on earth do you do that? You could put a gun to my head and say, ‘If you want to live you have to eat steak’, and I’d say, ‘Time to go’. I don’t want that kind of blood on my soul. I’m ready to go right now to be honest. I’m not saying I want to die, but I’ve got no further material goals. Anyway, if you haven’t finished your business here you’ll come back to do it. I like to think mine is finished, thanks very much.”

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