Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarack Obama Caught In Another Meaty Compromising Position

Photo: Samantha Appleton

Photo: Samantha Appleton

Recently Barack Obama hosted chef Bobby Flay and several men from local D.C. schools at the Kick Off Young Men’s barbecue on the White House South Lawn.

This makes, what, strike three?

Ray’s Hell burger visit with vice president Joe Biden, the Cheeseburger incident at Five Guys, and now a barbecue on the White House lawn.

Grilled steak, corn, and chicken were on the menu, but no where on the White House blog did it mention a veggie burger.

Mr. Obama doesn’t appear to be practicing what he preached last year on the campaign trail when he said encouraging Americans to eat more plant based foods can clean up the healthcare mess by reducing rates of obesity related diseases like diabetes.

At least First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting eating more vegetables.

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One Response to “Barack Obama Caught In Another Meaty Compromising Position”

  1. Randy Says:

    Yeah, he has become a total hypocrite about that.

    Maybe he is eating crap because he want to appear like a regular guy, but hey, regular is killing us nowadays and driving up health costs.

    It’s kind of disgusting between that and the cigarette habit.