Quantcast Vegetarian StarBarack Obama: Dijon Mustard Burger Whipping Boy

Obama, Biden eat lunch in Arlington

President Barack Obama and Vice Pres Joe Biden recently had lunch at Ray’s Hell Burger in Arlington, Virginia.

Though some would look at this as the President showing he’s a regular guy, eating at a local diner, Obama and his second leading boy did not score points with conservatives. Why? You see, Obama, ordered a cheeseburger with “dijon” mustard, which was viewed as elitist.

So while talk show conservatives Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Rush Limbaugh Show guest host Mark Steyn have beaten Obama for his elitist condiment, we decided there’s no better time to give him a whipping for his choice of meal as well.

A hamburger? Really? In this age of obesity and health care crisis, that he even said can be greatly tackled by encouraging Americans to change their diet, which includes more fruits and vegetables, and he orders a hamburger with cheese.

Yeah, he admitted to liking a steak every once in awhile. Does this mean he has to flaunt his cow indulgences for the entire world to see and imitate?

There could have easily been Pres and Vice Pres male bonding over a whole wheat pasta without meatballs dish, a fresh salad, heck, even a bean burrito, tortilla chips and salsa.

But Obama chose beef that day. And that’s why we currently have a beef with him.

Source: mediamatters.org

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3 Responses to “Barack Obama: Dijon Mustard Burger Whipping Boy”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Uh, who has no life that they need to comment that the President is snobby because he orders spicy mustard. Stupid!

    He orders spicy mustard because it tastes good.

    So, if you order vanilla and not chocolate ice cream, are you racist?

    This is why the country is screwed up.

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