Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn McEnroe Shows Temper To Those Who Don’t Spay, Neuter Pets

Tennis legend John McEnroe has recorded a PSA advocating spaying and neutering animals.

McEnroe was known for his temper tantrums and other failed attempts at anger management on the court, and the video humorously plays on that.

McEnroe meets a man at the vet who wonders what he’s doing there. After informing the man he’s there to get his dog fixed, the man says he could never do that to his dog, which prompts McEnroe to give a tirade about how spaying and neutering is best for lowering the number of animals euthanized in shelters and even…gasp…helps with your pet’s temper.

Although John got some good points in about spaying and neutering, he failed to clarify what the guy meant: He was only talking about John’s poor choice of outfit for his dog!

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One Response to “John McEnroe Shows Temper To Those Who Don’t Spay, Neuter Pets”

  1. Allie Says:


    That is one hideous outfit.