Quantcast Vegetarian StarAndy Dick Says “McCruelty: I’m Hatin’ It!” At McDonald’s Protest

Andy Dick dressed as Ronald McDonald in a PETA protest against McDonald’s in Chicago recently.

PETA wants the company to stop its archaic method of killing chickens, which PETA says is done by electric immobilization.

There is a more humane way to kill, called Controlled-Atmosphere Killing, which involves cutting off the animal’s oxygen supply, causing them to lose consciousness with little to no pain.

“McCruelty, I’m Hatin’ It!” shouted Andy and the other protesters.

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One Response to “Andy Dick Says “McCruelty: I’m Hatin’ It!” At McDonald’s Protest”

  1. Lovin' Travis Says:

    Why this disgusting place is still in business even for meat eaters in beyond me.

    Oh, yeah, the cheap factor.

    Yuck! You get what you pay for.