Kelly Clarkson No Longer Vegetarian, Not Opposed To Rodeos
Written by Vegetarian Star on May 3rd, 2009 in Female Singers, Not So Vegetarian.
What a way to ruin an otherwise beautiful spring afternoon.
It appears that Kelly Clarkson is no longer vegetarian, according to reports from her management company, Starstruck Management Group.
“She’s not a vegetarian,” said Trisha McClanahan of Starstruck. “She’s been a vegetarian in the past, but currently she’s not.”
We’re thinking Thanksgiving may have something to do with it.
From Kelly’s blog about Thanksgiving with her relatives, it sounds like she may have given in to temptation.
“i’ve been hanging with family during the holidays and i made my first turkey with my sister this year ….which is kind of hilarious seeing as how i haven’t eaten meat in over a year, but it was fun to make. and by fun, i mean our turkey was awesome and everything but i’ll never do it again. it was freakin’ exhausting!!
If the turkey was “awesome,” Kelly probably was gobbling it up, and the fact that she mentioned she hadn’t eaten meat in over a year suggests she recently tried it again.
Darn holidays. Relatives, long shopping lines, and tempting birds on the table.
On another sad note, unlike some Internet rumors were saying, her management confirmed that Kelly didn’t cancel her appearance at the Calgary Stampede because she was morally opposed to the treatment of animals in rodeos. Clarkson only cancelled because she wants to include Calgary at a later date on her tour.
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May 3rd, 2009 at 6:26 pm
Why am I not surprised? For some reason she didn’t seem to be the person who would stick to it.
May 4th, 2009 at 3:18 pm
I’m not surprised at all. She’s very fake and a gimmick singer.
May 11th, 2009 at 12:35 pm
Well that explains how she got so fat recently. Perhaps if she stuck to being a vegetarian she wouldn’t look like a cow. Makes me so angry that she did this.
January 22nd, 2013 at 7:23 pm
Why the hell are people getting so bothered by this? She was vegetarian for a whole year, an now she isn’t. Why is that such an enormous deal to you? It’s not like she was doing this for publicity. She had the determination to stick with it for a year which is more than a lot of people, including myself, could’ve done. And Natasha, she isn’t “fake and a gimmick singer” she is a lot more real and down to earth than many of the singers out there who have gotten through publicity stunts and scandals what kelly has gotten through pure talent. Next time you criticise someone for being fake, turn you attention to lady gaga or nicki minaj.
February 24th, 2013 at 1:54 pm
Not everyone can handle a vegetarian diet, esp. a vegan one. A vegan diet is not nutritious…and I HAVE done my research. I have experienced both a vegetarian and vegan diet and felt like crap on both. To those of you who think Kelly Clarkson should be ashamed she went back to meat…well…TOUGH! It’s her life, her choices, and her body.
February 26th, 2016 at 6:30 pm
@Amanda quote, “It’s her life, her choices, and her body.”
But fuck the animals’ lives, bodies, and choices right?
Your freedom of choice ENDS when you take away another being’s choice and right to life so spare us the faux “freedom of choice” bullshit when it comes to murdering animals. Molesting and raping others is also a personal choice but it doesn’t excuse the immorality of these actions.
And no, you haven’t done your research, otherwise you’d know that veganism is the healthiest diet when done right and is also the most beneficial to the planet and others. Corpses and other mammal’s milk are NOT for eating, GET OVER IT, DUMBASS. I encourage you to educate yourself better and try your vegan diet RIGHT next time.
March 16th, 2016 at 2:12 pm
amanda does know what nutrition is apparantly…………