Quantcast Vegetarian StarGoode Family Dog Che Helps Control Pet Population

Spaying and neutering are highly effective ways to control the unwanted pet population. Having a vegan dog secretly munch on neighborhood animals is another.

Mike Judge, creator of Beavis and Butt-Head and King of The Hill, is shedding some satirical light on political correctness in the 21st century with The Goode Family.

The Goodes do everything a stereotypical liberal, educated family does, including recycling and even attempt to adopt a baby from Africa.

Every Goode is a vegan, including the family dog, Che. However, Che isn’t too thrilled about his diet and secretly munches on stray animals in the neighborhood when no one is looking, as you’ll witness is the above video.

The Goode Family premiers on ABC May 27th.

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5 Responses to “Goode Family Dog Che Helps Control Pet Population”

  1. Mitch Says:

    LMAO! Can’t wait for this to be on TV. It’s going to be really funny.

  2. Brent Says:

    I read somewhere that some people were really offended by the preview, which I think is kinda silly. It’s kind of like the Stuffwhitepeoplelike.com website. Yes, it might rub you the wrong way, but you to admit it’s true and hilarious.

  3. Goode Family, Mike Judge’s Treehugger Creation, Premieres Tonight Says:

    […] They’re all vegans, including the family dog, Che. Hint: Che is a vegan dog who cheats-on the neighborhood pets! They recycle and compost. They even attempt to adopt a child from Africa, but mistakenly get one […]

  4. Michelle Says:

    Che also looks like he is a Vizsla… which is a bird dog/hunting dog breed that loves to stalk animals…. making this even more hilarious.

  5. “The Goode Family” Returns To Comedy Central Says:

    […] Che the vegan dog will once again get to cheat on his diet by eating the stray neighborhood pets. […]