Quantcast Vegetarian StarBootleg Erin McKenna’s Baby Cakes Frosting Shots


Erin McKenna whips up delicious vegan, gluten-free, and sugar free cupcakes and other baked goodies at her Baby Cakes bakery in New York city. Her establishment has been praised by several celebrities, including Lake Bell, Natalie Portman, Pamela Anderson, and Zoey Deschanel

Apparently the cupcakes aren’t the only reason the customers come in as the frosting is like tequila at happy hour.

According to a recent interview with the Telegraph, “The frosting is so addictive that it has developed a fan base all of its own. Some people just come in for a $1.50 frosting shot that they can knock back like a tequila or a 12oz take-out tub to devour at home.”

What exactly is this inebriating frosting made of?

“Soy milk, soy powder, coconut flour, coconut oil and agave, this is naturally coloured (with a dash of turmeric to make yellow, blueberry juice to make purple, raspberry or beetroot to make pink, and chlorophyll to make green.”

Erin’s cookbook is scheduled to debut next month so you can bootleg your own vegan frosting shots.

Read the interview with Erin at the Telegraph.co.uk.

via Telegraph.co.uk via Gothamist.com

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2 Responses to “Bootleg Erin McKenna’s Baby Cakes Frosting Shots”

  1. Natasha Says:

    Sounds soo good! I’d like 12 frosting shots right now!lol

  2. Emily Says:

    Mmm…This picture was the first thing I saw when I hopped on the Internet (yes, I came here versus getting started at work, hehehe) and I don’t know if I’ll make it until lunch time.

    Those cupcakes looks absolutely delicious. I wonder if Ms. McKenna ships her products because I’m nowhere near New York, but would really like to try them.