Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Barker Book, Priceless Memories, Helps Spay, Neuter Pets

Bob Barker Returns To The Price Is Right

Bob Barker returned to the set of The Price Is Right recently to promote his new book, Priceless Memories, due out April 6th.

Proceeds from the book sales will go towards DJ&T Foundation, which he founded in 1994 to help foot the bill of spaying and neutering animals.

The longtime vegetarian is the owner of many animals himself, including two rabbits named “Mr. Rabbit,” and “Honey Bunny,” and always ended each Price Is Right show with his signature sign-off, “Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered.”

Barker proved he was both a host and a comedian as two prize showcases were, cough, cough, “heavily themed” with his book.

For example, one showcase featured a computer where you could order the book, trip to New York City to buy a bundle of the books from the publisher, and a truck to haul them all back in.


Priceless Memories contains Bob’s experiences as a host on several shows including The Price is Right, Truth or Consequences, Miss USA, and Miss Universe.

Favorite contestants, celebrity encounters, as well as his personal life being raised through the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl are given pages. 

Some sections also discuss his passion for animal rights and include real life examples of his work, such as having an anti-fur stance for the beauty pagents he hosted. 


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3 Responses to “Bob Barker Book, Priceless Memories, Helps Spay, Neuter Pets”

  1. Veg Momma Says:

    This is fantastic! I can’t wait to purchase this book.

    Bob Barker is truly a wonderful man who has done much for animals and humanity.

    I’m sure his vegetarian diet is what has kept him around for so long!

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