Quantcast Vegetarian StarKelly Clarkson Vegetarian Idol Now!

Kelly Clarkson Vegetarian Idol Now!

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 18th, 2009 in Female Singers, Videos.

Wow. Talk about what’s been happening “since she’s been gone.”

Kelly Clarkson is vegetarian now and has been one for about a year.

During a recent interview with Trent FM UK, Kelly’s interviewer was talking about his experiences in Amarillo, Texas, where the world’s biggest steak-72 ounces-is served.

Kelly said, “My friends have kind of disowned me a bit in Texas because I’ve been a vegetarian for over a year now.”

Don’t worry Kelly. Fellow Idol winner Carrie Underwood knows your pain.

“You can’t be a vegetarian in Texas,” the interviewer jokingly objects.

“I tried it and it’s been really great…So a 72 ounce steak might make me barf,” Kelly continued. “It’s so much better now. I feel better,” she added.

The interviewer concluded by pleading with Kelly to “eat some steak, please,” telling her she was missing her nutrients. Ha! Smart gal Kelly responded that “you get enough nutrients [from things] like beans and everything.”

We’ve got Kelly Clarkson, Kellie Pickler, Carrie Underwood, and off the wagon trying to get back on Ruben Studdard in the veg American Idol club. 

Kelly’s new album, All I Ever Wanted, is set to be released in March.

Listen to the video to hear the interview and Kelly talk about her fake red carpet smile. The vegetarian part of the conversation starts around minute 4:45.

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3 Responses to “Kelly Clarkson Vegetarian Idol Now!”

  1. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Who Would You: Kelly Clarkson Or Carrie Underwood Says:

    […] recently made the announcement on a UK radio station that’s she been vegetarian for a little over a year and has a new album out, All I Ever […]

  2. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Kelly Clarkson Vows Never To Cook Turkey Again Says:

    […] year Kelly Clarkson roasted bird with her family for Thanksgiving, even though she’s been vegetarian for more than year.  However, she found it so exhausting, she vowed never to do it […]

  3. Chris Says:

    Guy’s don’t forget the vegetarians from the judging panel, Simon Cowell & Ellen DeGeneres