Quantcast Vegetarian StarDennis Rodman Would Rather Be Fired Than Wear Mink


A few years ago, Dennis Rodman wasn’t even wearing a jersey when he agreed to do an anti-fur ad for PETA.

So why are we talking about a retired basketball player famous for dressing in bridal gowns who got naked over three years ago? Because he’s back in the limelight as one of the contestants on Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice.

Rodman, along with other celebs like Tom Green and recently fur shunning Khloe Kardashian, will have the pleasurable experience of being humiliated by the world’s greatest real estate investor who also holds the title for the World’s Worst Hairdo.

Rodman has already broken boundaries outside of the boardroom. He was the first man that had enough balls to get naked and almost show his…well you know.

There are rumors that he sometimes followed a vegetarian diet, but it’s definitely been confirmed he detests the use of fur in fashion.

According to Contact Music, Rodman said, “furriers have pushed free furs” on him over the years, and he’s always refused. He even said that he was always embarrassed when an ex-wife wore furs.

With a set of ethics like those, there’s no reason why the former NBA bad boy shouldn’t be “hired.”

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One Response to “Dennis Rodman Would Rather Be Fired Than Wear Mink”

  1. Dave Says:

    Dennis is gone! Another one bites Trump’s dust.