Quantcast Vegetarian StarWill Smith New Movie Is Seven Pounds Of Vegetarian Goodies

Will Smith New Movie Is Seven Pounds Of Vegetarian Goodies

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 20th, 2008 in Actors, Actresses, Videos.

Will Smith and cast arrive at the premiere of Columbia Pictures' 'Seven Pounds'

Someone involved with the making of Seven Pounds must have a freezer stocked with Boca Burgers.

The movie starring Will Smith, about a man who dramatically changes the lives of seven people, has more vegetarian themes in 1 hour and 58 minutes than you’ll probably see at a granola bar serving hippie fest.

First there’s Ezra Turner, played by Woody Harrelson, who sells frozen steak over the phone, but doesn’t eat his own products. Wonder if any real life meat purveyors follow this rule as well?

Then there’s Rosario Dawson’s character, Emily Posa, who’s not only a vegetarian, but insists her dog be one as well.

Finally, there’s a scene where the word “vegan” is prominently displayed on a hospital chalkboard.

Mere coincidence? Subliminal veggie propaganda? Watch the video below for the scene where Emily explains to Will Smith’s character Ben Thomas her dog is vegetarian. If you can’t view the video, head over to Trailer Addict for other viewing options.

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7 Responses to “Will Smith New Movie Is Seven Pounds Of Vegetarian Goodies”

  1. coolkhush Says:

    huumm talking about will smiths 7 pounds i lovedddddddd it i even cryed
    half way through the movie has its own emotions and will smith emotes
    his lines fantaboulously … its a must watch ….

  2. coolkhush Says:

    havent still watched it bur im curious to know why the name 7 pounds ?? can u let me know .

  3. Tim Says:

    Here is the movie synopsis. It’s basically because the lives of seven people are touched to make up for a bad deed the character, Tim did (car crash involving death). It’s a spinoff from Ezra Pound’s seven Pounds of Flesh. He’s donates 6 of his organs and gives the seventh person his home.



  4. coolkhush Says:

    hey thanks for the info im glad that uve shared the site ill go check it out …

  5. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Judge John Deed: Written By Vegan, Played By Vegetarian Says:

    […] Will Smith’s Seven Pounds came out, there was a lot of talk about the vegan themes present throughout the movie, leading you to believe someone involved with the production was a vegetarian or […]

  6. nkris Says:

    Woody Harrelson is a raw vegan… Most likely he had something to do with the theme.

  7. will movies Says:

    Will smith is, and will forever be the man