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Stephanie Izard “Top Chef” Champion Has Vegetarian Butcher

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, April 4th, 2012 in Chefs, Food & Drink, Videos.

Stephanie Izard

Stephanie Izard

Former Top Chef champion Stephanie Izard is far from being vegetarian. She was criticized by PETA and similar activists for serving veal at one of her restaurants.

This hasn’t stopped her from hiring a vegetarian, although most of us would rather see him in a better position than that of a BUTCHER!

“Yes, I am a vegetarian butcher,” Izard’s employee says in this video below.


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Stephanie Izard

Stephanie Izard

Top Chef winner Stephanie Izard received criticism from PETA for hosting a veal dinner in a series of meals titled “Wandering Goat.”

“We’re writing today because numerous individuals—including fans of yours—contacted us to let us know that they were shocked to see you promoting veal and even displaying a photo of a skinned baby calf—Guillermo, as you named him—on your Twitter. Please know that the veal industry is cruel and inhumane and will remain financially viable as long as influential people like you continue to refer to the meat from sick, malnourished baby cows as a delicacy. It doesn’t matter where you purchase the meat—if you support the veal industry, you are supporting cruelty.”

Izard responded to PETA’s letter on her blog, explaining she sought veal that was raised locally and by what she considers humanely.

“In the past I have rarely used veal due to the inhumane treatment of calves. However, I was contacted by a local farm that raises free range veal in a very respectable way. While many people shun veal, the greater culinary community will continue to have veal be a part of their menus. All I am trying to do is get people to look at these local farms as refuge from larger meat-processing plants.”

Although the Kilgus Farm in Fairbury, Illinois does let goats feed on the pasture in the spring and fall, switching to homegrown hay in the winter, the baby calves, of course, are fed mother’s milk before quickly being taken to slaughter.

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