Daniel Bryan Ricky Williams–Who Would You
Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Polls/Surveys, Who Would You.
WWE wrestler Daniel Bryan and Miami Dolphins football player Ricky Williams have made headlines this week, for in the ring and off the field performances.
Vegan Bryan recently won the U.S. WWE Wrestling competition while Ricky has been asked to endorse a set of health and fitness equipment.
So nice to see the stereotype of scrawny, vegetarian men get broken. As you can see from their pictures, neither is lacking in meat on their bones, although you’ll find it missing in their diets. Between the two athletes, who would you rather…

"The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson, aka. Daniel Bryan. Credit-ShawnSavior on Wikimedia Commons

Photo: PR Photos

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