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Paul Ryan Speechwriter Is Vegan Matthew Scully

Written by Vegetarian Star on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Politicians.

Matthew Scully

Paul Ryan, vice-presidential running mate for Mitt Romney on the Republican side, will be using veteran speech writer Matthew Scully for his upcoming appearances.

Scully has a long history of writing for conservatives, including Sarah Palin and George W. Bush.

He’s also a member of the vegan party and has written some moving work on how animals should be treated.


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Sarah Palin Hires Vegetarian Michael Glassner As Chief Of Staff

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, February 18th, 2011 in Politicians.

Sarah Palin

The mama of moose meat munching has hired a strict vegetarian to be her right hand man in politics.

Sarah Palin has announced that Michael Glassner will serve as chief of staff, a move some say proves she’s a step closer to declaring herself a 2012 presidential candidate.

From ABC World News:

“Former colleagues describe him as a detail-oriented, fiercely loyal person who “takes great pride in flying under the radar.” They also say he is a “fitness nut” and, along with his wife, a dedicated vegetarian.”


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Vegetarian Matthew Scully Writes Hunter Sarah Palin’s Speeches

Written by Vegetarian Star on Friday, September 5th, 2008 in Animal Issues, Politicians.

McCain Holds Campaign Rally In Washington, Pennsylvania

In some ways you could call Matthew Scully a well-rounded man. He is a vegetarian, who has published several books advocating animal rights, including Dominion: The Power of Man, The Suffering of Animals, and The Call to Mercy. He’s also a political writer and has made George W. Bush a very articulate sounding man by serving as special assistant and senior speechwriter for the president from 2001-2004.

So what makes him so well-rounded? He is writing speeches for Sarah Palin these days. In case you didn’t know, Palin has proclaimed herself an avid hunter. And although the two are as opposite as Paris Hilton and the Pope, the partnership seems to be working-for now.

Time Magazine made some speculations as to how long this relationship can last:

“The Palin-Scully pairing is anything but a guaranteed fit, though. Palin is known as an avid hunter; Scully is best known for his vigorous defense of animal rights. A vegetarian who is regularly critical of the NRA and much of the hunting community, he is a passionate advocate for doing away with the more brutal versions of blood-sport, including aerial hunting, which Palin supports.”

via Time.com

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