Quantcast Vegetarian StarMia Evans Is A “Masterchef Junior” Vegetarian Star

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Any vegetarian chef on a reality cooking show is something to get excited about, but when a 12-year old makes better sauce than most adults do–it’s something worth swearing like Gordon Ramsay.

Mia Evans was a contestant on the fourth season of Masterchef Junior, a kids’ spin-off of the adult series on Fox TV.

Mia needs to stay veggie because of a condition called PKU, which requires she follow a low-protein diet.

If there’s anyone who can convince a kid to eat more vegetables it’s definitely another kid.

Mia explained how she brings up her diet with her peers in the May 2015 issue of Vegetarian Times.

“I talk about how good vegetarian food is, and I tell kids about all types of stuff that can substitute for meat, but everyone should be allowed to have their own food style,” she said.

Mia learned many of her tricks by watching sustainable food advocate and veggie-friendly chef Alton Brown. She took many of the dishes he made and modified them to meet her dietary requirements.

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