Quantcast Vegetarian StarPamela Anderson Launches Vegan Shoes

Pamela Anderson Launches Vegan Shoes

Written by Vegetarian Star on February 27th, 2016 in Actresses, Fashion.


Pamela Anderson may be better at promoting things without instead of with clothing and her new vegan shoe line is no different.

The actress and animal rights advocate has unveiled her foot fashions wearing little more than the actual product.

Instead of adding designer to her CV, Anderson would prefer to call her latest project another form of activism.

“Vegan compassion is sexy. And I miss the fun! Being a woman is fun! Being a man is fun! No rules,” she told Paper magazine. “I’m not the designer. Celebrities are not designers. I don’t like the word ‘celebrity,’ since people can be famous for no good reason in this social media culture. Activism is fun.”

The seven shoe styles feature designs from open-toe to heels to slingbacks and range from $450 to $950.

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