Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Dogs Lock Themselves In Car And Make Great PSA Example

Carrie Underwood

It’s that time again.

The temperatures are reaching into the nineties, humans are sweating enough to fill an Olympic pool and your dogs are locking you outside your car.

Well, maybe not so much the last one.

But for country music singer Carrie Underwood, all three of those are now true.

Underwood Tweeted about a recent experience in which she had to shatter a window to get into her vehicle after her dogs accidentally locked themselves and her four month old son inside.

“When your dogs manage to lock themselves, all your stuff & the baby in the car & you have to break the window to get in,” she tweeted. “#WhatAreTheChances.”

Luckily, both dogs and baby came out fine and this couldn’t be a more perfect time to discuss the importance of not leaving animals in locked vehicles while you are away.

Underwood, being the animal lover that she is, would never dream of doing such a thing on purpose.

And shame on those prankster dogs of hers for giving her such a scare.

Pets cannot sweat to cool themselves off and can easily become overheated in just a few minutes.

Even if you think you’ll be away for just a minute, don’t take the chance.

Leave Fido at home in the air condition–or take him inside to shop with you.

And teach him to stay away from those locks.

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