Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Giada De Laurentiis Grilled Tofu With Avocado Cream

Giada De Laurentiis

Several years ago, Giada De Laurentiis predicted vegetarianism as the next big culinary trend.

But the Food Network star has embraced plant-based cooking long before it was trendy.

Today’s Meatless Monday recipe features one of many vegetarian/vegan dishes she’s created, Grilled Tofu with Avocado Cream.

Tofu is the perfect substitute for any meat as it absorbs any flavor you cook with it.

Giada chooses a simple seasoning base of pepper, salt and herbs de Provence.

Giada divides her tofu into triangles, but feel free to make simple rectangle slices or get creative with your shapes.

Avocado cream over the top makes a great presentation, regardless of what’s underneath.

Packed with protein, vitamins and good-for-you fats, makes this your Meatless Monday lunch, dinner or meal for any day of the week.

Get the recipe and instructions at Food Network.

Photo: kennejima/Creative Commons

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