Quantcast Vegetarian StarDavid Duchovny Pens “Holy Cow: A Modern-Day Dairy Tale”

David Duchovny Holy Cow

Most know David Duchovny for his good looks and film roles, but many may not be aware that he’s also a pretty educated individual.

He holds a degree in English literature from Princeton and began a PhD in the same discipline at Yale.

Mr. Smarty Pants must know a thing or two about the meat and dairy industry as he’s created a satirical, but wise tale about a cow that decides to emigrate to India once she discovers the horrors of the factory farms in America.

Holy Cow: A Modern-Day Dairy Tale is the first novel from the X-Files and Californication actor.

Duchovny himself became a vegetarian after reading Diet for a New America in college. He’s now a pescatarian, considering himself “pro-Earth,” a status that is definitely easier to maintain while consuming a mostly plant-based diet. Holy Cow is not meant to be a serious lesson on animal welfare but a humorous way to incorporate the truth about the treatment of animals in certain cultures.

“If I were a cow and I had consciousness, I would probably try to get to India,” Duchovny said. “They’re sacred and holy. It struck me as a funny idea.”

“I’ve been aware of the difficulties and the dangers of cruelty and the pollution.”

“It’s supposed to be a piece of entertainment that may bring awareness to this thing without getting into the details of it.”

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