Quantcast Vegetarian StarDemi Lovato Eats Raw And Vegan With Occasional Celebrity Made Pizza

Demi Lovato

Is the President and Robert Rodriguez worth ditching your ultra healthy diet for a day?

Demi Lovato thinks so!

The actress and singer confessed to ExtraTV that although she mostly eats raw and vegan, she splurged a bit at a fundraiser party that included guests Barack Obama and the director.

Lovato said:

“I try to eat raw food whenever possible. I don’t eat it all the time just because I’m the type of person that if I do something, if I go all one way, I get burnt out… I’m gluten-free and dairy-free because I’m allergic to them. I just eat vegan and raw as much as possible and it’s really changed my body and made me feel better.”

But it’s hard to turn down a homemade meal compliments of the  man behind films like Mexico Trilogy, From Dusk to Dawn and Spy Kids.

“You kind of can’t turn down pizza that Robert Rodriguez handmade and that you are also eating with the President.” She added, “I got to hear him speak which was really incredible… it was a very surreal night for me.”

Photo: Neon Tommy/Creative Commons

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