Quantcast Vegetarian StarChrissie Hynde “You Or No One” Is Love Story Of Man’s Best Friend (Video)

Chrissie Hynde didn’t have to look far for inspiration behind the video for her latest single, “You or No One.”

She simply had to reflect on her own passion for animal welfare.

Filmed in Spain, the video depicts a man hanging out with his best friend, a dog.

The two are seen enjoying peaceful moments outdoors and car rides in a quiet, country-like setting.

The end of the video is a message all canines with a human friend can agree on: Your dog just wants to be with you.

The vegan singer and musician well known for her work with The Pretenders in the 80s and 90s saw the documentary LA Stories: City of Dogs and said she wanted the story to serve as a tribute for anyone who has “ever loved a dog and had their love returned tenfold.”

“We’ve all heard plenty of songs about relationships, both good and bad,” Hynde said. “But in my personal experience—and that of seemingly everyone I know—the lifetime of devotion that dogs give is incomparable to that of humans.”

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