Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Marano Of “Austin and Ally” For HSUS Meatless Monday (Video)

Laura Marano, star of Disney’s Austin & Alley, has lent her face and voice to the Humane Society’s first ever Meatless Monday campaign.

The organization known for campaigning for better laws to protect animals in the United States and the world now is getting on board in encouraging people to make better dietary choices at least once a week to save animals, protect the environment and improve human health.

“Meatless Monday is a really cool idea that not only helps animals, but is also really healthy for our planet—and a person’s health. It’s exciting that making a small change like swapping out chicken nuggets for a bean burrito can make a big difference in so many ways,” Marano says.

The campaign was launched at a junior high school in California where Marano was present to speak to students about going meatless weekly and have lunch with them.

Watch the clip for the PSA.

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