Quantcast Vegetarian StarKe$ha Humane Society Street Dog Ebay Auction


There’s still time to bid on several items worn by singer Ke$ha during her onstage performances.

The auction that ends today benefits the Humane Society of the United State’s Street Dog program.

Snag a pair of Christian Laboutin heels, a Morgan Shepherd shirt, a faux fur jacket, a faux leather jacket and the button down shirt worn in her “C’mon” video.

The clothing items available do make a trendy fashion statement.

But Ke$ha’s mission of saving dogs has always been in style for her.

The singer once confessed in an interview that she’s been lending a hand to stray animals long before she used it to grab a microphone.

“It’s in my family. It’s our blood. We rescued dogs before I was a singer. We’re used to saving animals.”

Photo: Becky Sullivan/Creative Commons

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