Quantcast Vegetarian StarJane Velez-Mitchell For Animal Legal Defense Fund (Video)

Jane Velez-Mitchell For Animal Legal Defense Fund (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 6th, 2013 in Animal Issues, Journalists, Videos.

Jane Velez-Mitchell has a new interview and PSA about the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

Throughout history, rights, whether they’d be human, civil or any other type, have usually been awarded through hard work and perseverance.

Animal rights are no different and organizations like the ADLF work to both create new and preserve existing laws that protect animals on farms, in entertainment and as pets.

“Laws dictate our society, our culture,” Velez-Mitchell says in the video.

“And they’re not going to change on their own. Lawyers have to push the envelope.”

“The lawyers at the Animal Legal Defense Fund are doing that for animals.”

This interview was conducted at the 2013 Animal Law Conference.

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